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Competitive rates on your technical needs

Inc's Technology has humble beginnings, my name is Simon Incledon I have always been interested in electronics from a very young age. I used to open and play with all of my electronic toys and was able to fix them when they broke. My passion for electronics grew throughout my childhood and I became interested in theatre technology.

My interest was supported by my local church when I was asked to help out with some of the children’s productions. I was mentored by a great guy who took me through all of the basics and allowed me to help unload, setup and run his system.

As I got older my passion was only intensified and when I finished school, I studied for my advanced diploma in electronic engineering. This helped me to understand more about the equipment I was using.

Not long after I completed my advance diploma, I married my wonderful wife and we became leaders in our local youth group. It was during this time back in 2003 when the first pieces of lighting equipment were bought to accommodate a youth disco. This was the beginning of my purchases and is where Inc’s technology was conceived. We quickly grew in lighting and audio to start providing great discos and putting on large scale movie nights.

In 2005 we decided to start a buisiness to allow this equipment to be used by those who needed affordable technology hire. Based in the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide Inc’s Technology has continued to grow ever since, catering for the needs of groups who could not purchase their own equipment.

We can now provide many of your technical requirements and are able to provide for regular large events including several Chirstmas Carol Events.

Wether you need equipment for a small party, or you need something for a fate or production we can help. Please browse our range of equipment and check out some of our past events to see if they provide any ideas on how we can help you. Please contact us and see what we can do to help make your next event a great event.